Friday 8 June 2018

Run a bastion host with ssh-forwarding on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

This short howto guide will show how to setup ssh forwarding for Oracle Linux on OCI and access from Windows via PuTTY.
The idea of a bastion host is to have a single entry point into your network. The bastion host is the only one that is accessible from outside the network, there is no sensible data on it. All applications and data reside on private hosts, that are not accessible from the outside. To access the applications, ssh into the bastion host and from there ssh to the specific private host. Firewall rules will block all unwanted traffic.
There are several options to do the key handling. One obvious one would be, to install all private keys on the bastion host. But if there would be a successful attack onto the bastion host, the attacker would have access to the private hosts.
Better would be, to use ssh forwarding. Here, the keys will remain on the administrators PC, out of reach for an attacker on the bastion host.

Consider a VCN (Virtual Compute Network) with two subnets, one public and one private.

These contain two compute instances. The bastionhost in the bastion-net with a public IP address and the applicationhost in the private-server-net with no public access.

To access SSH through the firewall, port 22 (ssh) needs to be added to the security lists. By using the Default Security List, this is enabled by default.

login as: opc
Authenticating with public key "putty-LASC-key"
[opc@bastionhost ~]$ sudo su
[root@bastionhost opc]# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

To enable ssh forwarding from the bastionhost, edit  /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Uncomment the line containing 'AllowAgentForwarding yes' and save the file.

systemctl restart sshd.service

Restart the sshd to make the changes effective.

Check both boxes under 'Authentication parameters' to enable SSH forwarding in PuTTY.

To tell PuTTY, which ssh-key to forward, start Pageant which comes with your PuTTY installation. Add the private key for the private host. Close your PuTTY SSH session and open a new one to the bastion host.

Now it is possible to ssh from the bastionhost to the applicationhost without the need for private keys on the bastionhost because these are forwarded from the adminstration PC.